Exercises The First 3 Wealth Files – Are You Programmed To Be Rich?

The First 3 Wealth Files – Are You Programmed To Be Rich?

Did you know that, according to T Harv Eker in the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, we have wealth files in our brain?

These wealth files determine whether we are going to be rich, middle class or poor.

We can change our wealth files too if we put in the work!

This blog will focus on the first 3 Wealth Files, and the exercises you can do to reprogram your wealth files to create a rich life!

About Mey How T Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar Led Me To an Enlightened Life

How T Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar Led Me To an Enlightened Life

Have you ever searched for an answer to a burning question your whole life?

Well, I had…

I always wondered what enlightenment was…

…Well, the funny thing is that I got my first real glimpse of enlightenment through my mentor T Harv Eker…

…and it came through during the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar I attended in LA in May of 2010…

…I learned about this course by hearing an audio online of how to change our money blueprint…

…changing that blueprint was going to make we rich…

…and the course promised to change my money blueprint in a 3 day intensive course…

…it’s not surprising that money was the motivator to get me and my best friend to fly to LA and change my life forever…

…let me tell you what happened next…